I am so so so inspired at the moment :)
My style in arts is really about Imperfectness. For me, imperfectness enriches the piece.
(But, please don't get me wrong. I am so keen on room arrangment and hardly tolerate messy rooms)
At the moment, I have a crush on handmade art pieces. Apparently, they are all in white and blue :)
Hand printed timber tiles! I really dream of this!
i.e. to have a wall of handprinted tiles (err, not to make the tiles at the moment)
Handprinted fabric. I finally made my first trial on this, after 1 year!
So happy I tried. But, need to practice more.
Bye bye silver wares. Hello handmade/printed cemaric wares :)
I love its imperfect shapes and color :)
I hope you enjoy reading and inspired too.
Cheers to imperfectness :)